Saturday, July 21, 2007

God & Football

Does anyone else get the image of God as a football player in that song "Everlasting God"?

I do.

The lyric, "You're the defender of the WEAK" sounds like "defender of the WEEK".

I can just hear the announcer:

"And now, introducing the defender of the week, with more tackles, interceptions, and pass-breakups than anyone else - GOD the Almighty!!!!!"

I hear the crowd cheering as God runs out with His hands up and then starts jumping in place like the regular football players do to get geared up for the game.

Seriously, does anyone else get that mental picture?


Anonymous said...

I will now! Thanks for that mental image. It is just that the rest of the world is not into football the way you are, but I do agree that God is the Almighty!

Suzan said... ;)but, I like it!
Just caught up on all your posts. Happy Late Anniversary! I can just hear you giggle as you talk as I read these, by the way. Miss y'all!