Not so much.
Until Friday night.
He had been in bed until I got home late from a district UIL meet and I walked in his room when I got home at 9:00 pm. He was awake so I laid down with him and I could tell he was NOT going to go to sleep anytime soon. So...we let him up for a little while longer.
At 10:05 (I know - we're horrible parents) I told him it was time he really went to bed for the night, and I asked him if he wanted to go potty. He said (screamed), "NOOO!"
I then had an epiphany.
I asked, "Caden, do you want to go potty on the BIIIIG potty?"
He said, "Uh uh" and walked off. He got his stool and told me to turn the light on. He pulled his shorts and his pullup down, stepped on the stool, and lifted the seat - such a big man. He stood there for a few seconds and let out a few sighs. I thought it was a no-go, but then - he grinned at me real big and I saw the stream going in the potty.
CADEN WENT POTTY!!!! For the first time at home!!!!
I was so excited. I then gave him a little toy that I had been saving for this auspicious occasion. Stan wouldn't let me take a picture, much less post that on the blog. Doo-doo head.
We didn't have such luck yesterday, but we bought him some sidewalk chalk today and I told him this afternoon that if he wanted to play with it, he needed to go potty again. He tried to tell me a few times that he had gone potty, but he flushed before I got in there so I don't think he really did.
I told him I had to see it before he could play with the chalk.
He said, "OK" and walked in there. Same routine as Friday ending with him peeing in the big potty. Proof, I tell you, that he is just stubborn and pig-headed.
I went outside with him and we played with the chalk!
Now what do I use for incentive now???
Yea, Caden! Way to go! Caleb is starting to tell us "be-be" and "bo-bo" as he runs to the restroom, but no such luck getting him to go in either toilet. He has already gone in his diaper, generally. He just turned 18-months yesterday (hard to believe) so I think that we still have plenty of time; I do think that he is off to a pretty good start though. I hope that you guys are feeling better. We look forward to seeing you soon!
It is a long and bumpy road. My almost 4 yr old had 2 accidents this week. And one involved poop. Nice.
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