Tuesday, October 16, 2007

From wal-reese to banana-moon...

The latest lesson on living in the moment and enjoying the little things. Caden used to say 'wal-reese' for 'walrus' & I thought it was the cutest thing I'd ever heard. In the car, I would constantly ask him to say it.

He says 'walrus' now. In the span of a few short weeks, we lost wal-reese.


Looking out of the truck window this evening, he said "banana-moon". It was hard to make out at first. Stan & I looked at each other & asked him to say it again. Sure enough, he spat out "banana-moon". I told Stan that's what I thought he was saying & he looked out the window to see if we could see the moon.

He could. And it was only a quarter-moon, a crescent if you will.

A real, honest to goodness banana-moon!


Anonymous said...

lkwqYes, he is learning more and more everyday and saying more everyday.But to come up with "banana moon" all by himself,I think Stan is right when he said we need to drop the word "border line" and just call him a Genius. Love,Nanna

Shannon said...

How precious is that!! I could have strangled Hubby when he corrected the "lemalade" out of M1. At least we still have G saying "stunk" instead of skunk. :)

Laura Brittain said...

My husband is always correcting, too, Shan! I look at him all sad when he does. Once again he asks why women want their children to have a speech impediment. Like Deann said, in a matter of weeks those precious little pronunciations are gone! My now 5 year old used to call a cash register a "calivaster." I was pretty impressed that he came up with a much harder word than the actual word he was trying to say! :o) Thanks for sharing, Deann!

Anonymous said...

You may not realize how much a small child will remember later in life. I was probably about 6 or 7 when I made reference to the prison "Sam Quentin." My mother got a good laugh out of that, and it kind of hurt my feelings. But somewhat later (months or years??), I was reading aloud and read pumpernickel. She was really surprised that I could read that word, and that made me proud.

Suzan said...

I will always think of him now when I see a banana-moon! J2 used to say 'lucky' when something was yucky...L had his 'momocycles'...and J1 his 'copterhellers'. Man, they grow up way too fast! It has only been very recent that they all realized that the dish wasn't really called 'chiklin-n-dumplins' ;)