Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I am happy to say that Stan & I are coming up on 12 years of marriage next month.

Through the grace of God we found each other & recognized each other and we've worked really hard to make our marriage work. Having a child - and especially having one so late in our marriage (9 years in) - changed the dynamics some, but we're a team by every definition of the word.

That's not to say we don't have our little tiffs. When Caden was a few months old, I looked at Stan and told him that I thought we may have a strong-willed child on our hands. His response - you think??? I guess he's right - I shoud've been prepared for Caden's spiritedness given his parents' stubborness and hardheadedness.

There are days, I walk around giddy in love with my man. He can do no wrong. I can't do enough for him. We are basking in the glow of eternal bliss.

There are other days we are puttering right along, perfectly content with each other and life in general. Busy, but happy.

And there are the other days.

The days that nobody talks about. The days that I like to pretend don't exist. These are the days that I actively choose to love him. He hasn't done anything wrong, but I'm not on the high of love. Luckily these days don't last long, but I think they're good for our marriage. It's during those times that we truly work at our marriage, that we realize, 'hey, this person isn't perfect; how are we going to get through this?'

And coming out of those days? Into days of bliss?


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